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As programs, curricula, and attitudes have evolved over Dalton’s long history, the school has been blessed with a vital, colorful, and superbly talented faculty.

As programs, curricula, and attitudes have evolved over Dalton’s long history, the school has been blessed with a vital, colorful, and superbly talented faculty. The faculty today remains devoted to developing open, disciplined minds and to educating young people who must become adults in an increasingly complicated world. Over two-hundred-and-twenty dynamic, stimulating, and passionate scholars make their courses come alive for their students and instill in them the love for learning that is a hallmark of a Dalton education. Combining rigorous academic preparation with progressive approaches to teaching, faculty members creatively teach Dalton youngsters how to think critically and independently. Teachers help students to develop sound work habits and necessary skills so that they can become effective scholars. The Dalton Plan - especially House and Lab - coupled with Dalton’s 7:1 student/teacher ratio, provides unique opportunities for teacher and students to work closely together and enables close relationships to develop with individual students at all ages. The intellectual and emotional maturation of each student, the fulfillment of each child’s potential, and the development of students’ social conscience are primary goals of Dalton's faculty.
(Grades K-3) 53 East 91st Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5463
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: fpadmissions@dalton.org

(Gr. 4 Dalton East & PE Center) 200 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org

(Grade 5-12) 108 East 89th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org