Our Community


The Dalton School has an accomplished and highly active Parents Association dedicated to helping maintain an inclusive school community.

The Dalton Parents Association, through close cooperation with all members of the community and the support of the administration, is dedicated to supporting the school’s mission of inclusion and seeks to foster a vibrant community within the Dalton School. The PA serves as a place where all parents are welcome to connect by lending their time, talents, and skills.
The PA is governed by parent volunteers who serve as officers of the PA Executive Board, including a President, Vice President, High School Divisional Representative, Middle School Divisional Representative, First Program Divisional Representative, Communications Officer, DEI Liaison Officer, Events Officer, Information & Technology Officer, Program Officer, and Treasurer. Many other opportunities exist for parents to become involved in the PA, including as Grade Representatives, House Parents, and Committee Chairs. The PA welcomes all parent volunteers, and there are more than 30 committees on which parents can serve. Volunteering enables parents to share their special interests to benefit the entire Dalton community. 
The PA sponsors school-wide family events such as Homecoming, Breaking Bread (an informal gathering centered around food and conversation), and various community service opportunities. Family and student offerings for the First Program include Conservation Crafternoon, the FP Book Fair, the Multicultural Festival, and a Spring Fair. Middle School families enjoy an MS Book Fair, movie afternoons, and various grade-related and curricular-themed events.
Programs for parents include an Authors Night (featuring Dalton parents and/or alumni), Grownups Experience Dalton (classes for parents led by Dalton faculty),, and a parent-led book club. In addition, the Parent Speaker Series, Parents in Action,  and Community, Life, and Diversity Committees sponsor engaging discussions, workshops, and speaker presentations for parents on various parenting topics and other issues of interest.
The PA supports parents and the entire Dalton community through committees such as Faculty and Staff Appreciation, New Family Welcome, Hestia Caring (acknowledging life cycle events within the Dalton community), Athletics, Sportswear, Faculty Grants, Party Registries, and more. The PA also sponsors several parent-organized affinity groups (Asian Pacific American Parents, Parents of Black Students, Jewish Families & Culture Group, Latinx/Hispanic Parents, LGBTQ+ Parent Group, and South Asian Parents) as well as several neighborhood groups.
The Dalton community is invited and encouraged to join fellow parents in planning and enjoying these programs. If you have any questions, please contact the PA at pa@dalton.org.

PA Events

Parent Login

Current parents have access to The Dalton School's secure online community website for information and news about Dalton. Private access provides several resources, including:
  • The Dalton School family and faculty directories.
  • Course information, parent organizational news and additional information that is secured from general use.
  • Contact data profile to update community members with the latest mailing and email addresses, and phone numbers.
  • News, calendars, photos, video and other media.
(Grades K-3) 53 East 91st Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5463
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: fpadmissions@dalton.org

(Gr. 4 Dalton East & PE Center) 200 East 87th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org

(Grade 5-12) 108 East 89th Street
New York, NY 10128
General: (212) 423-5200 | Admissions: (212) 423-5262
General: info@dalton.org | Admissions: admissionsmshs@dalton.org