Supporting and challenging students to be ready to engage with the world
List of 4 items.
Improve and enhance our range of exceptional offerings to meet the interests and needs of students while maintaining our high degree of academic rigor and bringing multiple voices and stories into the conversation.
Create more opportunities for students to understand risk and failure as part of the learning process while pursuing and deepening their passions.
Ensure a consistent, equitable student experience while maintaining flexibility and creativity in our curriculum.
Find additional ways to balance the emotional, physical and intellectual well-being of students.
Action Items
List of 5 items.
Adjust practice and pedagogy, in line with The Dalton Plan, to create more opportunities for students to experiment, explore, create, test and take intellectual risks.
Promote a broad array of assessment tools that allow students multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge, skills and progress.
Survey students and alumni to assess the variety, quality and content of current course offerings, consider strengths and challenges of our curriculum,
reflect on equity and inclusion efforts, and gather suggestions on how to make our curricular and co-curricular programs most meaningful and relevant in today’s dynamic environment.
Refine and amend Dalton’s K-12 Health & Wellness mission and program to help students navigate today’s complex world,
and develop a companion curriculum for Dalton’s faculty, staff and parents to deepen their understanding of the challenges Dalton students face.
Offer students enhanced academic, cultural, service and internship options throughout the calendar year for enrichment, experimentation and intellectual risk-taking.
Examine structures, encourage practices and set conditions that allow students to pursue passions, reflect on their learning and take full advantage of The Dalton Plan.