Technology Use Statement of Ethics
The Dalton School computer network puts enormous power at the fingertips of all members of this community - students, faculty, staff, and family. Inherent in the use of this power, however, is the understanding that it rests on the school's stated values and therefore requires its users to accept the same ethical responsibilities that govern other spheres of school life. The school assumes that individual users will be responsible for their behavior and communication over the network and that they will comply with school standards. The use of the network, like all other aspects of school life, is built on trust.
The general rules, values, and responsibilities found in the Student Handbooks provide a sound basis for good decision making with regard to technology. In brief, users must respect the personal and material rights of others. Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored, yet users should be aware that the school may review files and other communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Therefore, users should not expect that files stored on either network servers or local hard drives will always be private. The network is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others. Access to it is a privilege, not a right.